Re: Technology and the Arts
Henry Daniel (henryd@osiris.u-net.com)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:00:30 +0000
Re: Technology and the Arts
Hello Johannes,
I am a dancer/choreographer from the Caribbean who has trained and worked extensively in America, Germany, and now in Britain. I am also a Lecturer in Performing Arts at King Alfred's College in Winchester.
I am quite interested in this new book of yours. Is it out yet, and if not when is it due for publication. From what I have heard about your work, it seems that we might be exploring similar directions.I gave a paper recently at the FIRT conference at the University of Kent on connections between AI and dance practice. A chapter of my Ph.D. concentrates on these issues.
If your new book will not be out soon, I would certainly be interested in reading these texts you are sending to Lesley.
Henry Daniel.
>From: orpheus2@t-online.de (Johannes Birringer)
>To: cynerjii@jazzline.net.au ("Lesley Wheeler")
>Subject: RE: Technology and the Arts
>Date: Fri, Jan 30, 1998, 12:00 am
>Hello Lesley
>I read your recent messages on dtz about your research, and after just getting
>back to Germany after our migbot lab in Chichester, I thought I respond briefly
>by saying that i am not sure whether an invitation to Houston would help you
>(although we have good science departments here and a space program at NASA),
>since there's not much dance & technology going on in town, although the Houston
>Grand Opera is experimenting with a new modular multimedia stage and has been
>more experimental, in a sense, than the dance community as such.
>I have a couple of chapters in my new book on 'media and performance' which
>deal with the relations dance&science historically as well as with a
>contemporary perspective on practice (production), not reception, and if you are
>interested, let me know, and I send you the texts via email.
>best wishes,
>Johannes Birringer
>AlienNation Co.
>c/o Germany