Re: Future Dance-Tech events/1999
Mary-Lou Michael (loulou@adam.com.au)
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 00:33:34 +0000
Jean-Marc Matos wrote:
> Hello Mary-Lou,
> For your information: the company will be performing in Paris between
> September 30th and October 10th, two pieces involving "dance and tech":
> "Touch" (co conceived with video artist Cathy Vogan, originally from
> Australia: do you know her?) and "Re gards", the company's latest piece.
> The performing space is called Espace Kiron (Paris, 11th arrondissement).
> I will also be involved, from October 5th to 25th, in a creative and
> experimental workshop with Isabelle Choini¸re, choreographer from
> Montreal, at the Center for New Media (Canadian Cultural Center of
> Paris): we attempt to integrate movement to sound and image interactivity
> together with "on line" transmission and tele-presence.
> And quite a lot more...
> If you come to Paris at this time I will be more than happy to connect you
> with all of this happening, and other choreographers' work in the french
> capital, and in other places in France.
> Looking forward to hear again from you.
> Best regards.
> Jean-Marc
> PS: you can also check the company's site at
> http://www.metafort.com/kdanse/
> Sorry it's still in french (the english and spanish translation will come
> soon).
Wow... this looks fabulous. Thank-you for the information. I'll let
you know if my leave is approved!!
Cheers Mary-Lou