Re: Dance Software
Mary-Lou Michael (loulou@adam.com.au)
Sat, 09 May 1998 14:19:33 +0000
Darren Kelly wrote:
> Dear Dance-techers,
> While you're dicussing software: don't forget that I'm working on my
> gestural MIDI control software DranceWare++ non-stop. I haven't yet
> decided whether I will keep it as my own tool, make it publically
> available, or sell it commercially (which requires supporting the
> software, various platforms etc.). Since I will probably live on this
> soon, I'm reserving my options.
Do share... I'm sure there are plenty of dance groups out there
prepared to 'test' your stuff!
> Also note that Rowntree3d seem to have something planned (commercially).
> On Mon, 4 May 1998, Robert Wechsler wrote:
> > Few are available "off-the-shelf", that is, few are products you can buy and
> > then plug in at home. Most are still rather "specialized" requiring a
> > more-or-less skilled operator, and obviously most require special, sometimes
> > expensive, equipment.
I feel very lucky I have had the opportunity of working with a
music/technology specialist who has created sensitised pads that
trigger sounds from Midi sound software. The pads are completely
separate and can be placed anywhere on the stage. I know little about
music software, but it didn't take us long to get it all working! the
pads are essentially switches and can be connected to activate lights
and sound. We are playing around with them at school and will be using
them in performance in September of this year!
Cheers Mary-Lou