eye tracking
Dominique Rivoal (dominique-r@rocketmail.com)
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 02:58:27 -0800 (PST)
Thank you all for your reply and info,
In response to Kirk Woollford yes I agree that these
systems are very intimate and personal ...My idea is to have a one to
one performance, one performer, one audience member.
I myself experienced this as the only audience menber for a wonderful
dance piece in Brighton , I remenbered woriying about it all day I was
going to be left alone with a performer ( anything could happen)!
During the performance the feeling of uneasyness left very soon but
the intensity remained and toward the end I had to try very hard to
keep all my tears in !
In this piece you sat in a pivotable Armchair, 2 speakers where hidden
in the chair, the sound alternated from being very close to you and
away in the space. The dance happened all around you which made a
pleasant change from a conventional play where you look ahead only.
Rather than turn round and follow the performer with your eyes you
could chose to lisen or observe her from the corner of your eyes...It
was un unforgetable piece.
If anyone want more info I can dig it out .
At the moment I am looking to find a eye tracking systems, or
similar technologie, I know it will be an hard task, but a chalenging
all the best
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