Re: Launching "Parachute"
Todiane4 (Todiane4@aol.com)
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 14:52:26 EST
Dear Johannes,
Congratulations on the launch. It sounds like a project with a lot of
exciting potential. I look forward to hearing about your experience and how
it all develops. Hope all is well otherwise.
I am very busy tying up loose ends before the Xmas holidays when I will go to
California to visit family. Working on a new piece of my own and meeting w/
people about projects to be started in Jan./Feb. Plus still working on buying
an apartment...All in all I am happy and hopeful. I had to miss the company
get together w/ Stephan unfortunately and am still trying to work out a rain
check. So no news on that front.
Later alligator,