virtual theater
lara van druten (laraguy@xs4all.nl)
Mon, 01 Dec 1997 07:19:57 +0100
After the vagueness of my previous posting re: virtual theater, I thought it
would be good to give a somewhat better description of what it is that I am
looking for and why. I am presently working on a project for a theater in
the Netherlands who is in the process of creating a virtual performance
space, on their site, in which they invite performers (from different
disciplines) to realize their work. Towards this end, I am surveying the
cartography of who is doing what kind of work in this area .... hence the
earlier posting!
I would greatly appreciate input, and url's if possible, from the people who
participate in this list.
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G+T Project Bureau
lara van druten
mobile: 06 55 1984 20
email: laraguy@xs4all.nl