Mon, 20 Oct 1997 13:18:35 -0400 (EDT)
Thank you, Terry, for your response. I will indeed chech out the site. As
far as suggestions for how to keep Digidancing afloat over the next twelve
months go, without a total picture of what the project is about, my input may
be way off base. That being said, some ideas that come from what I am
IMAGINING the project to be about are
--a published journal that is also accessible to be read online that includes
write ups and commentaries on the preparation for and execution of the event,
as well as goals for the future; interviews/discussions w/ the artists and
other coordinators
--workshop(s) related to the event
--public symposium w/ the artists
--publicizing via all the appropriate vehicles
Look forward to seeing/ hearing further. Good luck!