Re: Wm Forsythe and Labanalysis
imma Sarries-Zgonc (immaSZ@t-online.de)
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 07:45:59 +0200
Hello Sandi,
Yes they have produced a Cd Rom which I think one can by already, I
guess though you will have to fax/call them. I guess Mr. Forsythe has a
private e-mail address but I do not have it...sorry.
May be I could help from Germany, but tomorrow I will be leaving until
November 4th, if you can wait...
If you get some news about it could you tell me please? I would be most
interested also to have access to it. I should add that it will probably
be VERY expensive to get it.
imma Sarries-Zgonc
tel/fax +49-30-782 9946
e-mail: immaSZ@t-online.de