Arts and Technology Update/Position Available
Sarah Rubidge (sarah@theatr.demon.co.uk)
Wed, 15 Oct 1997 08:57:53 +0100
>Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:31:49 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Libby O Friedman <eofri@conncoll.edu>
>X-Sender: eofri@oak.cc.conncoll.edu
>To: 97attendees -- Rainer Burck <101515.3514@compuserve.com>,
> David Morris <102142.206@compuserve.com>,
> "G. W. Logemann" <70641.1421@CompuServe.COM>,
> John Green <74041.1567@compuserve.com>, 76066.3434@compuserve.com,
> 76624.3510@compuserve.com, a.amir@bton.ac.uk, abad@harrison.upf.es,
> "M. Rebecca Leuchak" <ac374@osfn.rhilinet.gov>, acdcvc@aol.com,
> andreadc@davinci.cnart.mx, berezows@asuvm.inre.asu.edu,
> Julio Bermudez <bermudez@arch.utah.edu>,
> Buzz Potamkin <BPotamkin@aol.com>, bterry@burnettgroup.com,
> BXWIEMANN@SAE.SSU.UMD.EDU, cahopkin@vpa.syr.edu,
> ckinne@center.colgate.edu, Dan Collins <dan.collins@asu.edu>,
> dennismi@lynx.dac.neu.edu, dgompper@vaxa.weeg.uiowa.edu,
> e.pappalardo@agora.stm.it, Karlheinz Essl <essl@ping.at>,
> finearts@asuvm.inre.asu.edu, flavia@media.mit.edu,
> Gloria Brush <gbrush@d.umn.edu>,
> Gwendolyn M Reichbach <gmreich@umich.edu>,
> James Dashow <j.dashow@agora.stm.it>,
> "J. Keith Brown" <j.k.brown@mmu.ac.uk>,
> Jonathan Berger <jberger@alice.music.yale.edu>,
> jknecht@center.colgate.edu, kdoggett@hannaford.com,
> Sheri Burnham <kisun@earthlink.net>, Otto Laske <laske@cs.bu.edu>,
> lauraknott@aol.com, Lawrence Casserly <leo@chiltern.demon.co.uk>,
> Cort Lippe <lippe@acsu.buffalo.edu>, mnichols@nypl.org,
> morourke@pratt.edu, neumann58@aol.com, obryan@is3.nyu.edu,
> Pedro Rebelo <P.Rebelo@uea.ac.uk>,
> Pete Stollery <p.stollery@norcol.ac.uk>,
> Paul Hertz <paul-hertz@nwu.edu>, Chris Janney <phenom@tiac.net>,
> pinhanez@media.mit.edu, pmurphy121@aol.com, razdan@asu.edu,
> rboulanger@berklee.edu, resch@conncoll.edu, Richard.Povall@oberlin.edu,
> rnf1+@andrew.cmu.edu, roger.dannenberg@cs.cmu.edu,
> sarah@theatr.demon.co.uk, Yacov Sharir <sharir@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu>,
> smith.1952@osu.edu, Tim Duffield <timd@netaxs.com>,
> tmorehouse@finearts.sfa.uconn.edu,
> Todd Winkler <Todd_Winkler@brown.edu>, troika@artswire.com,
> VLA3NICHOPH@ntu.ac.uk, weidenaa@email.njin.net,
> William Leete <wleete@uriacc.uri.edu>,
> Bill Sanders <wsanders@uhavax.hartford.edu>, zach@zeep.com,
> zed@mail.utexas.edu
>Subject: Arts and Technology Update/Position Available
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>I am writing this to all people interested in the Center for Arts and
>Technology at Connecticut College. My name is Bridget Baird and I am the
>new Director for the Center. David Smalley, Noel Zahler, and I wish to
>report that the Center is still going and that we are optimistic about its
>future and the commitment of the College to strengthen it. We are still
>seeking more secure sources of funding, but what else is new? We have
>expanded our programs and are looking to a future that includes more
>collaborative projects, more involvement of students, and more community
>interactions. We are extremely committed to keeping the Symposium as a
>thriving entity and hope to see you in the spring of 1999.
>I also ask for your assistance. As part of its commitment to the Center,
>the College has agreed to fund an unusual and exciting position; we are
>looking to publicize this as widely as possible and because of its tie to
>arts and technology we ask your help. If you know of anyone who might be
>interested or if you have good places (electronic or otherwise) to post,
>please do so. Included below is the formal job description for this
>Thanks for your help.
>Bridget Baird
>Box 5412
>Connecticut College
>New London, CT 06320
>(860) 439-2008
>UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: Visiting Assistant Professor (Computer Science)/
>Associate Director of the Center for Arts & Technology. Connecticut
>College seeks a person who wishes to teach part time and also direct
>cross-disciplinary research in arts and technology. Duties will include
>teaching three computer science courses per year, participating in
>collaborative research with faculty and students, directing student summer
>research, helping to initiate innovative programs in arts and technology,
>and managing a technology lab.
>Connecticut College is a small, private, highly selective college with a
>strong commitment to the liberal arts tradition and an emphasis on broad
>interdisciplinary teaching and research. Its Center for Arts & Technology
>supports students and faculty as they study and explore the symbiotic
>relationship between technology and the creative arts. More information
>about this position may be obtained at cat.conncoll.edu/center/csjob.html
>Appointment begins immediately for a 2 year appointment with possible
>renewal for an additional year. Requirements include a Ph.D. in computer
>science or related field, imagination, interest in arts and technology, and
>a desire to work closely with students and faculty. Applications will be
>accepted until the position is filled. Connecticut College is an AA/EO
>employer and is actively seeking to further diversify its faculty and
>staff. Candidates should send a resume, a list of at least four
>references, and a statement of research and teaching interests to
>Professor Bridget Baird, Box 5412, Connecticut College, New London, CT
>06320; bbbai@conncoll.edu
>Bridget Baird (860) 439-2008
>Professor, Dept of Mathematics (860) 439-2700 (fax)
>Director, Center for Arts & Technology bbbai@conncoll.edu
>Box 5412
>Connecticut College
>New London, CT 06320