Re: LifeForms answers for Mary-Lou
Mary-Lou Michael (loulou@adam.com.au)
Thu, 09 Oct 1997 19:59:08 +0000
thecla schiphorst wrote:
> Hi Mary-Lou
> IĞll try to answer some of your questions directly
> 1) re creating new movement and libraries
> Lifeforms was developed specifically so that you could
> create new movement. Any movement you create can be
> stored in a Library. So both of these options are possible.
> Once the sequences or phrases are stored they can be reused,
> shared, deconstructed, or reconstructed as you wish. Libraries are
> for convenience, since much dance language is based on particular
> vocabulary and since choreographers are often interested in
> developing a vocabulary even if it is for used in a single piece.
> 2) sound files
> The Macintosh version of Life Forms enables you to play sound
> files from an audio CD, or to play QuickTime sound files along
> with the movement that you are creating.
> The Windows 95 version doesnt have this feature yet, but will soon
> The SGI version also has a feature for MIDI connectivity
> 3) Chance Operations
> Chance is not built in, but is used as a manual technique that can
> be imposed as you create the movement in Life Forms.
> for example, Merce Cuuningham would use 3 coins and toss them to create
> I Ching hexagram combinations which he then mapped to certain
> movement responses. For example, tossing a value of 1 to 10
> would mean move the torso, tossing a value of 11 to 20 would
> mean move the head and right arm, etc
> 4) can chance be refined to include transitional movement if one
> desired?
> Any shape created in Life Forms automatically creates transitional
> movement when you select the Play button, which automatically
> smooths the movement between defined shapes (keyframes)
> best,
> Thecla
Thanks Thecla,
you are always so helpful!!
Regards Mary-Lou :)