help me!
Stephanie Elder (elderste@auden.websteruniv.edu)
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 07:43:08 -0500
Mark Coniglio wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >for some strange reason I had to re-subscribe, listproc, after trying
> >to send a message sent me an e-mail claiming I was not subscribing to
> >this list!! Has this happened to anyone else?
> >Glad to be back, cheers...Mary-Lou
> >I thought it was strange that I had received no new messages for a
> >while!
> Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, please let myself or Scott
> deLahunta know so that we can check into it.
> Best,
> Mark
> ================================================================
> Mark Coniglio, Artistic Co-Director | troika@panix.com
> Troika Ranch | http://www.art.net/~troika
> ================================================================
> Hi!!
I am a journalism student and dance teacher in Missouri. I am working on
a story called "How thin is too thin?" I need to interview some dancers
for their point of view can anyone help me??
e-mail me at elderste@auden.websteruniv.edu
Stephanie Elder