Re: testing
Scott deLahunta (sdela@ahk.nl)
Mon, 01 Sep 1997 22:32:45 +0200
Thanks Richard and Lisa for 'welcoming me back' to the list. Yes, stolen
servers is a real drag, but fortunately it wasn't my own personal computer,
but the university's -- and there are sysops working on the installations
and restoration of backups which has enabled me to get back on-line in short
order. But, I'm having a little trouble sending email to this list
apparently, which Scott Sutherland is working on. I just typed a longish
contribution to some of the discussions this morning... which should reach
the list soon once Scott sorts something out. We shouldn't forget that he's
out there keeping this thing running for us (thanks Scott). He also just
finished participating in Ohio University's summer multimedia/ dance/
documentation workshops which I hope he will report on briefly here in the
list... or maybe find a student to do it (Scott ??).
More soon -- Scott D.
Scott deLahunta and Susan Rethorst
Writing Research Associates, NL
Sarphatipark 26-3, 1072 PB Amsterdam, NL
tel: +31 (0)20 662 1736
fax: +31 (0)20 470 1558
email: sdela@ahk.nl
http://huizen.dds.nl/~sdela/wra (WRITING RESEARCH ASSOCIATES)
http://www.art.net/~dtz (DANCE AND TECHNOLOGY ZONE )