Re: Tanz-Aktuell Dance/Tech Issue...
Mary-Lou Michael (loulou@adam.com.au)
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 20:09:16 +0000
Mark Coniglio wrote:
> Hello List,
> It was brought to my attention by Scott deLahunta that Ballet
> Intl/Tanz-Aktuell magazine has made the subject of dance/tech their focus
> for the Aug/Sep issue.
> Now I am attempting to get my hands on a copy here in NYC, but they are
> hard to come by. I see by looking at the website version (gives the table
> of contents) that Mr. Robert Wechsler, who has posted here, has contributed
> as well as several others of note. (Tanz Aktuell web site is
> http://www.ballet-tanz.de/)
> I am curious to hear, from my colleagues who may have actually read the
> issue, what their impressions are from the content that was published
> there. Anything particularly insightful?
> Ciao,
> Mark
> ================================================================
> Mark Coniglio, Artistic Co-Director | troika@panix.com
> Troika Ranch | http://www.art.net/~troika
> ================================================================
Hi, I tried to contact this site and encountered an error? I'm quite
disappointed as I would be very interested in reading a copy of this
magazine. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to order it?
Thanks Mary-Lou (From Aus...)