Re: Bodycoder
Mark A Bromwich (SMUSMAB@pegasus.hud.ac.uk)
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 9:38:12 +0100
>Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 09:34:50 -0500
>Reply-to: dance-tech@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>From: Mark Coniglio <troika@panix.com>
>To: dance-tech@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Re: Greetings
>>The last piece in the show 'BODYCODER' will show the fruits of our
>>residency at STEIM in Amsterdam
>>earlier this year.
>So have you made a sensory suit while you were at STEIM? What is the BODYCODER?
>Do tell...
>-- Mark
>Mark Coniglio, Artistic Co-Director | troika@panix.com
>Troika Ranch | http://www.art.net/~troika
'Bodycoder'is a little rubber and leather fetish thing we constructed whilst influenced by the
heady atmosphere in Amsterdam at Easter.
Seriously though - the suit which Julie made here in England before we went to Amsterdam is in
fact wired with 8 proportional sensors which can also be configured as switches.These interface to
a multichannel C/V to Midi i/face and a powermac via an 8 channel radio xmit/receiver I built
earlier this year.
The mac is running Opcodes' StudioVision Pro which routes the control signals to an E4x Sampler
which holds all the soundfiles and modulation routings.
So come on over and see the show!!