dance and technology zone
Scott deLahunta (sdela@ahk.nl)
Tue, 20 May 1997 09:32:10 +0200
Hello list -- in the last month our readership has grown from 50-74
(remember you can see this yourself by emailing
listproc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu with 'recipients dance-tech' in the body
of the message). I would like to invite anyone new and old on this list to
visit the 'Dance and Technology Zone' at http://www.art.net/~dtz where you
will find a section for adding yourself (if you have not already) and/ or
any upcoming events that you are involved in/ aware of. This site is visited
by hit by roughly 200 people a week -- of course, as with all internet
'statistics' it is difficult to know precisely what this means...
Best, Scott
Scott deLahunta and Susan Rethorst
Writing Research Associates, NL
Sarphatipark 26-3, 1072 PB Amsterdam, NL
tel: +31 (0)20 662 1736
fax: +31 (0)20 470 1558
email: sdela@ahk.nl
http://huizen.dds.nl/~sdela/wra (WRITING RESEARCH ASSOCIATES)
http://www.art.net/~dtz (DANCE AND TECHNOLOGY ZONE )