Re: discussions/plans
Richard Povall (Richard.Povall@oberlin.edu)
Wed, 09 Apr 1997 10:07:19 -0400
>To end, then, I wish to strongly support the idea of a retreat or
>experimental workshop that could bring many of us together for an intensive
>10 days or two weeks, either to construct a performance lab, show
>work-in-progress to one another/to others, or embark on a joint
>collaborative experiment together.
>I told Scott last week that once Imma and I are settled with our studio in
>Houston (fall of 97), I would be excited to look into possibilities of
>arranging such a retreat in Texas in 1ate 1998. Richard already suggested
>Ohio, and Lisa offered a possible mirror site in Vancouver. It's likely that
>Richard has the better facilities/studios in place at his university, and
>I'd be happy to help Richard and support him.
>On the other hand, if I may throw this up, I'd personally be more interested
>in working in an independent site (outside of academia), connect to a larger
>community (showing, distrubution), or create an event (International
>Dance/Technology Workshop & Concert) out of it. I can find performance sites
>etc in Houston, and we'd be in a large city that might (Cultural Arts
>Council) support us financially, and help us to make the international link
>ups (I am not thinking of NASA, but there's a huge scientific community in
>Houston), as well as invite some folks from the science /engineering
>community there. Primarily, though, I'd wish for a small group of 30 people
>or so to have intensive time (and space) for work and for a social gathering
>(sharetime). My proposal would be for a winter time (there is no winter in
>Texas). But Richard, we could also start out in Ohio and plan Houston later
>(1999), with a cross-event in Europe in-between, I am sure Amanda, Scott,
>and others have ideas and the experience already in telematic / on ground
There is another possible model here, in which the workshop participants
are together for 2 or 3 weeks (or however long...) in intensive workshops,
all culminating in a public weekend mini symposium/festival. Certainly
this is where a non-academic, independent site might be more appropriate.
I have mixed feelings about this. There is an enormous freedom in
workshopping without the pressure to perform. I did a week of intensive
workshop a couple of winters ago at the Royal Festival Hall in London,
working with 10 choreographers and 10 composers. There was no pressure of
performance involved, although some pairs and small groups did perform at
the end (not publicly). It was an incredibly rewarding week. It was also
completely funded, apart from the odd meal here and there, which I think
also had an impact on the week, and allowed the organisers to invite a much
wider range of participants than they otherwise could have.
R i c h a r d P o v a l l
Assoc. Prof of Computer Music and New Media
MPO Box 0332 TIMARA/Studio 5
Oberlin, OH 44074-0332 USA Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Voice: +1.216.775.1016 Oberlin College
Fax: +1.216.775.8942 Oberlin, OH 44074 USA
email: Richard.Povall@oberlin.edu
website: http://timara.con.oberlin.edu/~RPovall/RPHome.html
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