1997 Society of Dance History Scholars Conference, June 19-22
Sally Banes (SBANES@macc.wisc.edu)
Sun, 06 Apr 97 09:00 CST
1997 Society of Dance History Scholars Conference, June 19-22
In 1979 at a conference at Barnard College in New York City,
the Society of Dance History Scholars was formed. In 1997,
SDHS will return to Barnard in celebration of the breadth and
vigor our field has achieved in the intervening years. The
open framework of this conference has resulted in an exciting
program that represents a wide spectrum of topics and of
intellectual approaches. The conference opens Thursday
evening, June 19, with a reception in Barnard's Altschul Atrium.
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the stimulating mixture of
papers, roundtables, lecture-demonstrations, and workshops
will run in three parallel sessions, each including from
two to five presentations. The full program of the conference
will appear in the spring SDHS newsletter.
*Highlights of the conference include:
Modern dance pioneers
Writing dance biography
Issues in Baroque dance reconstruction
Image, film, and iconography
Ballet in the 1920s
New perspectives on dances of social protest
The electronic preservation and retrieval of dance sources
New discoveries in early dance
Convergence of cultures and identities
Gesture and pantomime
Social dance training and the performance of cultural assimilation
Dance in post-war Germany
Dance, politics, and culture in 17th-century England
Nineteenth-century ballet
Dance institutions in New York City
Form in dance and dance music
Hanya Holm's circle study
Lester Horton technique
African dance
Baroque gesture
-A memorial concert for Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull (Cynthia Novack)
by the Richard Bull Dance Theatre on Friday, June 20, followed
by a roundtable, "Ethnographies of Improvisation: The Work of
Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull"
-Working groups on Early Dance, on Ethnicity and Dance, and on
Dance Reconstruction
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request to:
Marge Maddux
Please put "SDHS conference brochure request" in the subject line.
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