Arts Funding Petition (fwd)
Leslie Bishko (bishko@sfu.ca)
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 18:26:11 -0800 (PST)
Forwarded message:
* From PJHackney@aol.com Tue Apr 1 07:26 PST 1997
* From: <PJHackney@aol.com>
* Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:33:07 -0500 (EST)
* Message-ID: <970401093306_1252672802@emout02.mail.aol.com>
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* Subject: Arts Funding Petition
* Content-Type: text
* Content-Length: 15728
* Hi-Please read this VERY IMPORTANT petition! I hope you will then sign it
* (copy the following text into a new message and add your name to the
* bottom of the list) and pass it along to everyone you know. We've got to
* be active in saving these important institutions! Please sign! Thanks!
* This is for anyone who thinks NPR/PBS is a worthwhile expenditure of
* $1.12/year of their taxes,a petition follows. If you sign, please forward
* on to others (not back to me). If not, please don't kill it -- send it to
* the email address listed here:
* wein2688@blue.univnorthco.edu
* PBS, NPR (National Public Radio), and the arts are facing major cutbacks
* in funding. In spite of the efforts of each station to reduce spending
* costs and streamline their services, some government officials believe
* that the funding currently going to these programs is too large a portion
* of funding for something which is seen as "unworthwhile". Currently,
* taxes from the general public for PBS equal $1.12 per person per year, and
* the National Endowment for the Arts equals $.64 a year in total.
* A January 1995 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll indicated that 76% of Americans
* wish to keep funding for PBS, third only to national defense and law
* enforcement as the most valuable programs for federal funding. Each year,
* the Senate and House Appropriations committees each have 13 subcommittees
* with jurisdiction over many programs and agencies. Each subcommittee
* passes its own appropriation bill. The goal each year is to have each
* bill signed by the beginning of the fiscal year, which is October 1. The
* only way that our representatives can be aware of the base of support for
* PBS and funding for these types of programs is by making our voices heard.
* Please add your name to this list and forward it to friends if you believe
* in what we stand for. This list will be forwarded to the President of the
* United States, the Vice President of the United States, and Representative
* Newt Gingrich, who is the instigator of the action to cut funding to these
* worthwhile programs.
* If you happen to be the 150th, 200th, 250th etc. signer of this petition,
* please forward a copy to: wein2688@blue.univnorthco.edu. If that address
* is inoperative, please send it to: kubi7975@blue.univnorthco.edu.this way
* we can keep track of the lists and organize them.
* Forward this to everyone you know, and help us to keep these programs
* alive.
* Thank you.
* 1) Elizabeth Weinert, student, University of Northern Colorado,
* Greeley, CO
* 2) Robert M. Penn, San Francisco, CA
* 3) Gregory S. Williamson, San Francisco, CA
* 4) Daniel C. Knightly, Austin, TX
* 5) Andrew H. Knightly, Los Angeles, CA
* 6) Aaron C. Yeater, Somerville, MA
* 7) Tobie M. Cornejo, Washington, DC
* 8) John T. Mason, Dalton, MA
* 9) Eric W. Fish, Williamstown, MA
* 10) Courtney E. Estill, Hamilton College, NY
* 11) Vanessa Moore, Northfield, MN
* 12) Lynne Raschke, Haverford College, PA (originally Minnesota)
* 13) Deborah Bielak, Haverford, PA
* 14) Morgan Lloyd, Haverford, PA 19041
* 15) Galen Lloyd, Goucher College, MD
* 16) Brian Eastwood, University of Vermont, VT
* 17) Elif Batuman, Harvard University, MA18) Kohar Jones, Yale University,
* CT
* 19) Claudia Brittenham, Yale University, CT
* 20) Alexandra Block, Yale University, CT
* 21) Susanna Chu, Yale University, CT
* 22) Michelle Chen, Harvard University, MA
* 23) Jessica Hammer, Harvard University, MA
* 24) Ann Pettigrew, Haverford College, PA
* 25) Kirstin Knox, Swarthmore College, PA
* 26) Jason Adler, Swarthmore College, PA
* 27) Daniel Gottlieb, Swarthmore College (but truly from Lawrence, KS)
* 28) Josh Feltman, Tufts University, MA
* 29) Louise Forrest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
* 30) HongSup Park, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA originally
* from Portage, Wisconsin)
* 31) Ana Sandoval,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* 32) Katherine Navarrete, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* 33) Mandisa Washington, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* 34) Stephen Balzac, San Francisco, CA
* 35) Howard Yermish, Los Angeles, CA
* 36) Danielle Yermish, Los Angeles, CA
* 37) David S. Lefkowitz, University of California - Los Angeles
* 38) Frank S. Albinder, San Francisco, CA
* 39) Read S. Sherman, Harvard Divinity School
* 40) Stephane Lemelin, Cambridge, MA
* 41) Thomas Ouellette, Cambidge, MA
* 42) Richard Russell, Cambridge, MA
* 43) Nella Wennberg, Jamaica Plain, MA
* 44) Eric Smith, Jamaica Plain, MA
* 45) Alex Graham, Boston, MA
* 46) Dean Wei, Chicago, IL
* 47) Luisita Frances, Chicago, IL
* 48) Roy Vella, Stanford, CA
* 49) Alan Hellawell, Mountain View, CA
* 50) Timothy A. Scott, San Francisco, CA
* 51) Albert M. Yeh, Mountain View, CA
* 52) Susan Yeh, Seattle, WA
* 53) Jonathan Payne, Seattle, WA
* 54) Cena Pohl, Seattle, WA
* 55) David Perk, Seattle, WA
* 56) Robert Srygley, Seattle WA
* 57) Katarzyna S. Kubzdela, Chicago, IL
* 58) Katy Human, Stanford, CA
* 59) Erica Fleishman, Reno, NV
* 60) C. Richard Tracy, Reno, NV
* 61) Kenneth E. Nussear, Reno, NV
* 62) Christopher R. Tracy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
* 63) Kristin Komives, Carrboro, NC
* 64) Jennifer Goldman, Chapel Hill, NC
* 65) Darcy Leach, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
* 66) Van Luong, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
* 67) Aurora M. Sherman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
* 68) Paul O. Stern, Seattle, WA
* 69) Erika Tapman, U. of Vermont College of Medicine
* 70) Opher Donchin, Urbana, IL
* 71) Prof. Pamela Cosman, University of California, San Diego
* 72) Ari Levitt, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
* 73) Nathan Martin, Berkeley, California
* 74) Lynn Price, Kensington, California75) Leslie Shown, Kensington, CA
* 76) Mike Boals, Berkeley, CA
* 77) Wendy Boals, Berkeley, CA
* 78) Effie Westervelt, Tiburon, CA
* 79) Mary Burns, Taos, NM
* 80) Karen Page, New York, NY (karenapage@aol.com)
* 81) Gary Holleman, Bemidji, MN (holleman@chefnet.com)
* 82) Tim Rosa, Newton, MA (trosa@world.std.com)
* 83) Doug Hersh, Sherborn MA (hersh@ultranet.com)
* 84) Ruel Little, Somerville, MA (rlittle@ascensiontech.com)
* 85) Stefan Wennik, Andover, MA (SWennik@aol.com)
* 86) Melissa Walia, SF, CA (color@well.com)
* 87) Tracy Brown, SF, CA (tracy@nrh.com)
* 88) John T. Miller, SF, CA (johncom@dnai.com)
* 89) M. Todd Davis, SF, CA (todd_davis@gensler.com)
* 90) Michael Demetrios, SF, CA
* 91) J. Marc Perrin, NY, NY (mperrin@sbi.com)
* 92) Alyse Daberko, NY, NY (adaberko@sbi.com)
* 93) Jessica Guertin, Washington Univ. St. Louis(jg3@cec.wustl.edu)
* 94) Ellen Watson, San Francisco, CA
* 95) Bridgitt Arnold, Seattle, WA
* 96) Erica Yenni, Seattle, WA
* 97) Kerri Karvetski, Seattle, WA (70007.4401@compuserve.com)
* 98) Mark Butler, Seattle, WA
* 99) lazlow jones, long beach, ny lazlow@undernet.com
* 100) Laura Bykowski, NYC, NY laurab@gbcom.com101) Amy Stettler, NYC, NY
* 101) ZiolaS@AOL.com
* 102) F Ben Dana, Burlington, Vermont
* 103) Bill Dahill-Baue, Brattleboro, VT
* 104) S. Ryan Quick, Yale University, New Haven, CT
* 105) Jerry Anne Dickel, Yale University, New Haven, CT
* 106) Donald Beebe, Yale University, New Haven, CT
* 107) Stephanie Seery, School of Theology at Claremont, CA
* 108) Katherine A. Johnson, Baltimore, MD
* 109) Cynthia J. Halstead, Burke, VA
* 110) Ronald Northrip, Falls Church, VA ronnlee@clark.net
* 111) Jane Levandoski, University of Delaware, DE
* 112) Denise J. Hills, University of Delaware, DE
* 113) David P. Sobel, College of William & Mary, VA
* 114) Amey T. Sadler, College of William& Mary, VA
* 115) Donna M. Livingston, Woodbridge, VA
* 116) Karen A. Morris, Burke, VA
* 117) Michael E. Perdue Atlanta, GA
* 118) David Cour, Washington D.C.
* 119) Katie Sergent, Washington D.C.
* 120) Nathan Sewell, Nashville, TN
* 121) Peter Eby, Nashville, TN
* 122) jeff taraday, seattle, WA
* 123) Julie Taraday, Seattle, WA
* 124) Stephanie Cooper, Seattle WA
* 125) Kailen Mooney, Seattle, WA
* 126) Dylan Clark, Univ. of WA, Anthropology, Seattle 98195
* 127) Daniel Simons, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
* 128) Kirsten Wild, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
* 129) Barbara Busetti, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
* 130) Leslie Macchia, Mountain View, CA (lmacchia@ix.netcom.com)
* 131) Kris Wollenhaupt, San Jose, CA
* 132) Ann Bowers, Palo Alto, CA
* 133) Sue Tysko, Palo Alto, CA
* 134) Liza Schmeltz, San Jose, CA
* 135) Judith Schweikert, Palo Alto, CA
* 136) Joan Wylie, Palo Alto, CA
* 137) Marcia Pugsley, Palo Alto, CA
* 138) Daryl Davis, Palo Alto, CA
* 139) Amy Gerstein, San Francisco, CA
* 140) Christian Holden, San Francisco, CA
* 141) Stephen Divenere, San Francisco, CA
* 142) Karen Yetman, San Francisco, CA (kyetman@nelson.corp.gonelson.corp)
* 143) Christine D'Elia, San Francisco, CA
* 144) Rachel Bredemeier, Cambridge, MA
* 145) Karin Horlbeck, Cambridge, MA
* 146) Mark Bourne, Cambridge, MA (MarkB@cmbinfo.com)
* 147) Norm Slocum, Weymouth, MA (SLOCUM@XENSEI.COM)
* 148) Carol Hughes, Boulder, CO (cehughes@lucent.com)
* 149) Susan Hagg, San Francisco,CA(shagg@coldwellbanker.com)
* 150) Dante Landucci, Bethesda, MD (Dante_Landucci@NIH..com)
* 151) Ann Dannenberg Rosen, Newton, MA
* 152) Elena Conti, Cambridge, MA
* 153) Brent Richter, Rowley Ma
* 154) Libby Jones, Rowley, MA
* 155) Kitkoon Chan, Pleasanton CA
* 156) Dennis Crayon, Boston, MA
* 157) Claude R Labbe, Boston, MA
* 158) Jeffrey M. Klapes, Lynnfield, MA
* 159) David E. Knudsen, Somerville, MA
* 160) Chris Ann Matteo, New York, NY
* 161) Scott G. Williams, Austin, Texas
* 162) Linda Wiencken Williams, Austin, Texas
* 163) Lucinda Martin, Florence, TX
* 164) Karen E. LeFevre, Austin, Texas
* 165) David E. Soileau, Austin, Texas (cajundave@aol.com)
* 166) Kirk P. White, RN, MSN, Austin, TX
* 167) Lisa Rogers, Austin, TX (oyalisa.@aol.com)
* 168) Shelley Brown, Denver, CO (lbrown@aol.com)
* 169) Deborah Chandler, Loveland, CO (deborahwf@aol.com)
* 170) Linda Temple, Oklahoma City, OK (lgtemple@aol.com)
* 171) Tom Temple, Oklahoma City, OK (lgtemple@aol.com)
* 172) Gage Evans, Denver, CO (gevans@carl.org)
* 173) Kara M. Van Horn, Denver, CO (karav@ihs.com)
* 174) Carmelia Dyer, Boulder, CO (cdyer@ball.com)
* 175) Douglas Goldman, Boulder, CO (dgoldman@ball.com)
* 176) Eugenie Georgas, Boulder, CO (ggeorgas@ball.com)
* 177) Michael Birdsong, Boulder, CO (mbirdson@ball.com)
* 178) Todd Arbetter, Boulder, CO (arbetter@spam.colorado.edu)
* 179) Marika Holland,Boulder, CO (hollandm@orbit.colorado.edu)
* 180) Adriene Hughes, Brighton, MA
* 181) Andrew Myerson, Brighton, MA
* 182) Lucila De Alejandro, San Diego, CA
* 183) Robin Taylor, San Diego CA
* 184) Shelly Diaz, NYC, NY
* 185) Beth Davidson, Incline Village, NV
* 186) Jon Paul Davidson, Incline Village, NV
* 187) Kate Glanz, Durham, NH
* 188) Filson Glanz, Durham, NH
* 189) Dehan Glanz, San Francisco, CA
* 190) Justine Reese, San Francisco, CA
* 191) Carl Bettag, San Francisco, CA
* 192) Eugenia Lean, Los Angeles, CA
* 193) Nicole Huang, Berkeley, CA
* 194) George Krompacky, Yale University, CT
* 195) Peter Carroll, Yale University, New Haven, CT
* 196) James Carter, New Haven, CT
* 197) Eagle Glassheim, Columbia University, New York City
* 198) David S. Frey, Columbia University, New York City
* 199) Ellen B. Umland, Bay Village, OH
* 200) Susanna D. Kopchains, Hawthorne, NJ
* 201) Mark Margaretten, Denver, CO
* 202) Jon L. Leland, Mill Valley, CA
* 203) Steve Blumenthal, San Francisco, CA
* 204) Paula Mantel, Honolulu, HI
* 205) Gaile Sickel, Honolulu, HI
* 206) Robert Wolfson, Fairfax, CA
* 207) Shams Wm. Kairys, Oakland, CA
* 208) Donald Halley, New Lebanon, NY
* 209) David Iman Adler, New Lebanon, NY
* 210) Robert Barris, Highland Park,
* 211) Janet Karpus, Kalamazoo, MI
* 212) Terry Macak, Kalamazoo, MI
* 213) Lynne Aspnes, Ann Arbor MI
* 214) Lorna Haywood, U of M Ann Arbor MI
* 215) Robert Debbaut, Salt Lake City, UT
* 216) Kaye Ramsey, Salt Lake City, UT
* 217) Timothy Jones, U of T San Antonio TX
* 218) Eugene Dowdy, UTSA, San Antonio, TX
* 219) Lawrence Stomberg, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO
* 220) Lisa Stomberg, Colorado School of Mines, CO
* 221) Paula Lynch, Laurel Springs, NJ
* 222) Cara Kendric, Philadelphia, PA
* 223) Deborah Conger Hughes, University of Washington, Seattle
* 224) Dean Heerwagen, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
* 225) Mark Clayton, College Station, TX
* 226) Mardelle Shepley, Bryan, TX
* 227) Mike Blair Bryan Tx (mcblair@myriad.net)
* 228) David Lucey Oakland, CA
* 229) Ted Rallis Davis CA. (ted@ucdavis.edu)
* 230) Leigh Ann Giles, Davis CA (lagiles@ucdavis.edu)
* 231) Kamala Crompton, Sebastopol CA (kscrompton@ucdavis.edu)
* 232) Patrick Kelly
* 233) Alan J. Hiller (hiller@cooper.cpmc.org)
* 234) Mitchell D. Klein (MrProp@aol.com)
* 235) Nicholas Wulfekuhle
* 236) Andrew Downes
* 237) Kelly Bowers, Washington DC
* 238) Thomas Unger, Alexandria, VA
* 239) Dwight Gibbs, Alexandria, VA (dwightg@fool.com)
* 240) Selena Maranjian, Alexandria, VA (selenam@fool.com)
* 241) Lynnette A. Simon, Cambridge, MA (lasimon@fas.harvard.edu)
* 242) Susan Martin, Acton, MA(suemart@tiac.net)
* 243) Kenneth Lord, West Hempstead, NY (lord@calvin.cs.qc.edu)
* 244) Christopher Vickery, Holliswood, NY (vickery@babbage.cs.qc.edu)
* 245) Christopher Winters, Stamford,CT (Abudu@Juno.com)
* 246) Paul McIsaac, New York City (paulmci@aol.com)
* 247) John Douglas, Charlotte, VT (jdouglas@together.net)
* 248) Norio Kushi, Shelburne, VT (ankushi@aol.com)
* 249) JoAnne Kushi, Shelburne, VT
* 250) Allan Balliett, Shepherdstown, WV (igg@igg.com)
* 251) Michael Reilly, NYC, NY (mreilly@sasmp.com)
* 252) Cindi Weiss, Hoboken, NJ (cweiss@sasmp.com)
* 253) Sam Cohen, NY, NY
* 254) Kathryn Mintz, NY, NY (kmintz@randomhouse.com)
* 255) Brad Greenquist, LA, CA
* 256) Helga Schier, LA, CA (hschier@randomhouse.com)
* 257) Kimberly Burns, LA,CA (kburns@randomhouse.com)
* 258) Laurel Cook, NY,NY(cookl@bdd.com)
* 259) Todd Gitlin, NY, NY (gitlint@is.nyu.edu)
* 260) Norris McNamara, Chicago, IL (NorrisMcN@aol.com)
* 261) Scott Diamond, Chicago, IL
* 263)Scott Black, Oak Park, IL
* 264) Linda Marquardt, Oak Park, IL
* 265) Daniel Marquardt, Oak Park, IL
* 266) Robert Ginsburg, Fayetteville, Ar
* 267) Susan Jenkins, Fayetteville, Ar
* 268) Dianne Schlies, Albuquerque, NM
* 269) Paul Schlies, Albuquerque, NM
* 270) Bob Dickey, Portland, OR
* 271) Elizabeth Dickey, Tucson, AZ
* 272) Timothy Mayhew, Farmington, NM
* 273) Marjorie Robertson, Arlington, VA
* 274) Deron Hurst, Arlington, VA
* 275) Erika Warner, Arlington, VA
* 276) Nancy Ward, Arlington, VA
* 277) Heather Podlich, Washington, DC
* 278) Lillian Rice, Washington, DC
* 279) Nicole Dannenberg, Washington, DC (originally from Sunnyvale, CA)
* 280) Suzanne Isack, Washington DC
* 281) Iracema de Moura Castro, Washington, DC
* 282) Tom Sander, Cambridge, MA
* 283) Peri Smilow, Cambridge, MA
* 284) Marc Johnson, Cambridge, MA and NY, NY
* 285) Patty Lyons, Chicago, IL
* 286) Tom Mula, Chicago, IL
* 287) David Darlow, Chicago, Illinois
* 288) Kristine Thatcher, Chicago, Illinois
* 289) Jeffrey Sweet, NYC, NY
* 290) Tandy Cronyn, NYC, NY
* 291) Jim Bracchitta NYC, NY
* 292) Kathleen McNenny NYC,NY
* 293) John Gould Rubin, NYC, NY
* 294) Jason Forsythe, Brooklyn, NY
* 295) Meredith Muncy, Los Angeles, CA
* 296) Frederic Goodich, Los Angeles
* 297) Marian Goodich,
* 298) Michael Goodich
* 299) Janet Lipkin Bein, Palo Alto, CA
* 300) Harold Rabbie, Saratoga, CA
* 301) Nili Mirande, Saratoga, Ca
* 302) Catha Loomis, Portland, OR
* 303) Cheri Erdman, Downers Grove, IL
* 304) Beth Ribet, Irvine, CA <eribet@orion.oac.uci.edu>
* 305) Mariam Beevi, Irvine, CA
* 306) Wei-min "Brian" Chiu, Irvine, CA (dissent@uci.edu)
* 307) Christina Woo, Costa Mesa, California
* 308) Titus Levi, Irvine, CA
* 309) Mark Dresser, Brooklyn, NY
* 310) Gerry Hemingway, Hackettstown, N.J.
* 311) Nancy Hemingway, Hackettstown, N.J.
* 312) Anthony Davis, New York, NY
* 313) Cate Bell, San Diego, CA
* 314) Barry Bell, San Diego, CA
* 315) Peggy Hackney, Seattle, WA
316) Leslie Bishko, Vancouver, BC Canada