Raymond Loewy
An American Industrial Designer
(1893 - 1986)
- Emigrated to the United States, naturalized, 1938.
- Educated at the University of Paris, from 1910, and Ecole de Lanneau, degree in engineering, 1918.
- Served in the French Army, Corps of engineers, attached to the General
Staff, 5th Army : liason officer. American Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918 :
Captain; decorated Grand Officer, French Legion of Honor; received
Interallied Medal, and four Criox de Guerre citations.
- Married Jean Torrison in 1931 (devorced 1945) married Viola Erickson in 1948. Daughter: Laurence.
- Freelance fashion window designer for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and
other magazines, New York, from 1919, and freelance window designers for
stores, including Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy's.
- Art Director, Westinghouse Company, New York 1929.
- Founding Chairman and Cheif executive Officer, Raymond Loewy International,
New York from 1929 (Formerly Raymond Loewy Associates, then Raymond
Loewy-William Snaith Incorporated).
- Founder, Compagnie de l'Estherique Industrelle, Paris, 1952.
- Served as consultant to numerous corporations including Hupp Motor Company,
Coca Cola, United Airlines, Shell, Exxon, and IBM. Consultant, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration on Appollo application program, and on
Saturn I, Saturn V, and Skylab Hability Studies, 1967-1973.
- Chairman of the Board, Market Concepts; Member, executive Board, Art Center
College, Los Angeles; member President's Committee on Employment of the
Handicapped, 1965. Member Advisory committee on industrial design, College of
Architecture, University of California, Los Angeles; member of the board of
vocational education, New York City Board of Education.
- Recipient: J. Gordon Bennett Medal (for model airplain design). 1906.
- Gold Medal, in transportation (for GG-1 locomotive design). International
Exposition, Paris 1937.
- First Prize (for Coldspot refrigerator design), International Exposition,
Paris 1937.
- Lord and Taylor American Design Award, New York 1938
- First Prize, All-American Package Competition, International Exposition, Paris, 1939.
- Branger Cup (for Speedboat design), 1956.
- Named "One of the Thousand Makers of the Twentieth Century", The Sunday Times, London, 1969.
- Hall of Fame Award, American Academy of Achievement, 1978.
- Distingushed Achievement Award, American Society for Industrial Designers, 1978.
- Award from the President of France, 1980.
- Grand Prize, International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, 1981.
- DFA: University of Cincinnati, 1956; Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles, 1970.
- Member, Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; American Society of Space Medicine.
- French Chamber of Commerce of United States (Vice-President, 1958).
- Fellow American Society Interior Design; American Academy of Achievement;
Royal Society of Arts, London.
- Founding member and fellow, American Society of Industrial Designs
(President 1946).
- Royal Designer for Industry, Royal Society of Arts, London, 1937.
- Honorary Citizen of France, by decree of the Prime minister of France.