SimCity Info
This is stuff related to SimCity, maintained by
Don Hopkins
Designing User Interfaces to Simulation Games
, a summary of Will Wright's talk.
Unix-World review of X11 SimCity
proposal for the Interactive Experience at INTERCHI.
Multi Player SimCity for X11 product announcement.
SimCity Manual
SimCity in 10 Minutes
: end user programming in
SimCity - Multi Player Version
web page of Gottfried Mayer-Kress.
Video Tape Transcript of Toronto Usenix Symposium Keynote Address,
describing the experience of porting SimCity to Unix, and introducing the following two video taped demos.
Video Tape Transcript of X11 SimCity Demo.
Video Tape Transcript of HyperLook SimCity Demo.
Multi Player SimCity was on tour with the
Electric Carnival at Lollapalooza
FTP site of X11 SimCity distribution. Please take a copy!
SimCity-For-X11.gif : Screen shot of SimCity running on X11.
SimCity-Indigo.gif : Multi player X11 SimCity running on an SGI Indigo.
SimCity-NCD.gif : Multi player X11 SimCity running on an NCD X Terminal.
SimCity-Sun.gif : Multi player X11 SimCity running on an Sun.
HyperLook-SimCity.gif : SimCity HyperLook Edition.
SimCity running on
, a user interface development environment for the
window system.