D&TZ Mailing List Archive (1997) by thread
Starting: Sat 28 Sep 1996 - 00:00:-56875
Ending: Wed 31 Dec 1997 - 14:38:15
Messages: 919
- dance-tech@shoko.CALARTS.EDU
- dance-tech@shoko.CALARTS.EDU
- "take a look at this web site" Scott deLahunta
- "take a look at this web site" 3 Johannes Birringer
- 'permission' Johannes H. Birringer
- (no subject) Richard Povall
- (no subject) Mark Coniglio
- (no subject) Mark Coniglio
- ...hmmmmm nik
- 100% greybook nik
- 1997 SDHS Conference, Correction Sally Banes
- 1997 Society of Dance History Scholars Conference, June 19-22 Sally Banes
- 2morrow Amanda Steggell
- 3 pages out of 10 Scott deLahunta
- 4 more (out of 10 total) Scott deLahunta
- <nettime> Information Ecology Scott deLahunta
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- <no subject> Mary-Lou Michael
- a blackbook apology nik
- a chance to chat tomorrow.... Stephan Koplowitz
- A Marathon of Dance Inspired by the Web nik
- A note from the dance-tech list administrator scott.sutherland@accessone.com
- a question 4 u Amanda Steggell
- A question 4 u: thank-u Amanda Steggell
- about permission Amanda Steggell
- Academic 3-D suite Lynn Brooks
- Aesau nik
- Aesau - patches nik
- alt.dance.news is online nik
- an interaction with Jean-Marc Matos Scott deLahunta
- animations nik
- answering Jean and asking Lisa Amanda Steggell
- anti-theatre/technology/education Scott deLahunta
- Apologies! Robin C Hoffman
- archiving... Scott deLahunta
- Ars Electronica Prix 97 Claudio Pinhanez
- Arts & Technology Soeren Pold
- Arts & Technology Lesley Wheeler
- Arts and Technology Update/Position Available Sarah Rubidge
- arts education and new media Scott deLahunta
- Arts Funding Petition (fwd) Leslie Bishko
- Artsvote message board - heellpppppp!!!!!! nik
- back again! Scott deLahunta
- back again! amandajs@notam.uio.no
- back online (2) Scott deLahunta
- ballet in cyberspace susiecrow@easynet.co.uk
- ballet in cyberspace susiecrow@easynet.co.uk
- ballet in cyberspace Cynthia A. Roses
- Bam dialogues Todiane4@aol.com
- BigEye Brendan Taylor
- Birmingham? Scott deLahunta
- blackbook update tool nik
- body economy Scott deLahunta
- Body Electric (Vancouver Electronic Arts Festival) Thecla Schiphorst
- body electric festival Scott deLahunta
- body electric festival guide Thecla Schiphorst
- body electric festival guide Thecla Schiphorst
- Bodycoder David Rodger
- Bodycoder Mark A Bromwich
- bodyelectric list Scott deLahunta
- break-dancin' skeleton nik
- Call for collaborators John Drever
- call for proposals Scott deLahunta
- Cassandra Lisa Naugle
- Cassandra Mark Coniglio
- Cassandra - Web Site Performance Lisa Marie Naugle
- Cassandra/an appology, some ?s, and feedback Amanda Steggell
- checking in... Johannes H. Birringer
- checking in... Scott deLahunta
- computer literacy for ballet dancers susiecrow@easynet.co.uk
- Computer Pedagogy in Dance Depts (nik) Mark Coniglio
- Computer Theater Claudio Pinhanez
- Computer Theater Claudio Pinhanez
- Conference notice Sandi Kurtz
- conferences Scott deLahunta
- congestion/indigestion? Imma Sarries-Zgonc
- congrats to Sarah and 100% Greybook v 1.1 nik
- cosas nik
- courseware... Scott deLahunta
- dance & tech - bibliography and references Claudio Pinhanez
- Dance & Technology Zone: Updates and Info Mark Coniglio
- dance and technology zone Scott deLahunta
- Dance Critics Assocation conference update Sandi Kurtz
- Dance Education and Technology Call for Papers Keitha Donnelly Manning
- Dance History Scholars Conference Sandi Kurtz
- Dance Online News/Opportunities Andrea Sferes
- dance tech expiration Tom Erbe
- Dance Tech MailList Archive is Up! Mark Coniglio
- dance theory 101? Richard Grevers
- dance-tech Scott deLahunta
- dance-tech discussion Scott deLahunta
- dance-tech discussion list Scott deLahunta
- Dance-Tech Energy Infusion Mark Coniglio
- Dance-Tech Mailing List Scott deLahunta
- Dance/Tech Questionnaire for Education Mary-Lou Michael
- Dance/Tech Questionnaire for Education] Mary-Lou Michael
- dance/tech zone Scott deLahunta
- DEd programs/LisaN & SandiK Keitha Donnelly Manning
- Dialogue Lynn Brooks
- digital dance Scott deLahunta
- digital dancing Scott deLahunta
- DIGITAL DANCING 1997 (UK) Sarah Rubidge
- Digital Dancing 97 Terry Braun
- digital derby? Scott deLahunta
- Digital Technology Dances Its Way Into Choreography nik
- Dimension Beam gjhilton
- discussions... Scott deLahunta
- discussions/plans Dawn Stoppiello
- discussions/plans Todiane4@aol.com
- discussions/plans Richard Povall
- discussions/plans Dawn Stoppiello
- discussions/plans Richard Povall
- discussions/plans orangemouth
- discussions/plans Johannes H. Birringer
- disturbances in spaces Thecla Schiphorst
- dns out(r)ages Scott deLahunta
- doing much on thursday? (uk) gjhilton
- Drancing = Drumming by dancing Darren Kelly
- Educational programs for dance Keitha Donnelly Manning
- Faculty Position Margaret L. Maddux
- fleshfactor Scott deLahunta
- food Amanda Steggell
- food for thought Amanda Steggell
- Forsythe CD at Future Moves Mark Coniglio
- Fourth Annual Dance and Technology Conference--CONTEST! djelal@IMAP1.ASU.EDU
- Fourth Annual Dance and Technology Conference--CONTEST! djelal@IMAP1.ASU.EDU
- From Amanda Steggell Mark Coniglio
- from imma imma Sarries-Zgonc
- FW: More MS20 tips Frank Sci
- Fwd: interesting (?) UK opportunity gjhilton
- geek site nik
- gracias Cynthia A. Roses
- Greetings Mark A Bromwich
- greetings matt grey
- Greetings from New Zealand Richard Grevers
- grewbook/kiwiana/bantaba Todiane4@aol.com
- grewbook/kiwiana/bantaba Todiane4@aol.com
- grewbook/kiwiana/bantaba Johannes Birringer
- grids and occult Mark Coniglio
- grids and occult Johannes H. Birringer
- Harverstworks Fall Series... Mark Coniglio
- Harvestworks Todiane4@aol.com
- heavy traffic Douglas Repetto
- hello Cynthia A. Roses
- Hello matt
- hello/ and hallo again nik
- hello/ and hallo again Sarah Morrison
- hello/ and hallo again nik
- hello/ and hallo again Amanda Steggell
- hello/ and hallo again ...hmmmmm Amanda Steggell
- HELP OSU ListProcessor
- help me! Stephanie Elder
- hi again Amanda Steggell
- Historical Perspectives Mark Coniglio
- hooey Christopher Sumpton
- How about a web ring? Scott A. Sutherland
- http://art.net/~troika/dtzmaillist.html Nik
- I couldn't help it! Dawn Stoppiello
- I couldn't help it! Amanda Steggell
- ICKL 20th Conference to be held in Asia marion Bastien
- if Fokine had a mac nik
- INFORMATION dance-tech OSU ListProcessor
- INFORMATION dance-tech OSU ListProcessor
- Interactive Performance Philip Cootey
- interactivity Sarah Rubidge
- interactivity Johannes H. Birringer
- interactivity and MORE Amanda Steggell
- interactivity follow up/transdance Johannes H. Birringer
- Interesting Article Mark Coniglio
- Interesting Article in NY Cyber Times Robert Wechsler
- Interesting Article in NY Cyber Times Mark Coniglio
- Introduction Nick Rothwell
- Introduction Mark Coniglio
- Introduction/Interactive Web Dance Andrea Sferes
- jam Amanda Steggell
- job searching tips? Robert Wechsler
- l systems Dominique Rivoal
- lambs at the altar Todiane4@aol.com
- lambs at the altar Richard Povall
- lambs at the altar Scott deLahunta
- lambs at the altar Johannes H. Birringer
- language/ dance Scott deLahunta
- language/ dance and the archive David Rodger
- language/ dance and the archive Todiane4
- last 3 out of 10 - LONG Scott deLahunta
- Last performances of It/I Claudio Pinhanez
- Launching "Parachute" Todiane4
- LifeForms Mary-Lou Michael
- lifeforms nik
- LifeForms answers for Mary-Lou Mary-Lou Michael
- LifeForms answers for Mary-Lou thecla schiphorst
- Lifeforms Archive Nik
- Lisa N's Performance Mark Coniglio
- list activity Nik
- list activity... Scott deLahunta
- list... Scott deLahunta
- Live-I Salon, Monday Night, NYC Mark Coniglio
- Mail of a personal nature David Rodger
- meanings of interactivity Robert Wechsler
- media authenticity... Scott deLahunta
- mention ! Scott deLahunta
- modern & ballet a.k.a. whatever Cynthia A. Roses
- more improvisations Dennis Diamond
- more improvisations Johannes H. Birringer
- more telematicinterprovisation, from Amanda S. Mark Coniglio
- motion capture and other gestures Thecla Schiphorst
- Motus Humanus Roundtable on Professional Issues Leslie Bishko
- moving target Scott deLahunta
- My first posting David Kroth
- nerd stuff Nik
- new articles Scott deLahunta
- new articles Scott deLahunta
- new list: music-dsp douglas irving repetto
- New Series on Dance Film and Video Andrea Sferes
- new york tea Todiane4@aol.com
- new york tea Johannes H. Birringer
- new... article Scott deLahunta
- new... article 2 Scott deLahunta
- News from Troika Ranch Mark Coniglio
- notation in schools Martha-Ming Whitfield
- NYC shows--J Fried Joshua Fried
- Oberlin workshop and MTS algorithms Darren Kelly
- occult / trance) gjhilton
- October projects Todiane4@aol.com
- October projects Johannes H. Birringer
- on motion instructions Christopher Sumpton
- On-line dance composition course Lisa Naugle
- online etc. Scott deLahunta
- Palindrome, a minotaur, a community Robert Wechsler
- Paper presentation at ISEA'97 Claudio Pinhanez
- passionate virtuosity Morrison Dance - Morrison, Sarah
- patches nik
- Performance & Technology Conference Webcast Scott deLahunta
- performance! Amanda Steggell
- permission Amanda Steggell
- Personal mail and moderation Susie Ramsay
- Personal mail and moderation David Rodger
- Personal mail on the list nik
- personal/hill/sensorium Scott deLahunta
- Polphony Mark Coniglio
- Polyphony and Language Mark Coniglio
- Polyphony and Language/butoh Richard Povall
- Polyphony and Language/butoh Johannes H. Birringer
- polyphony without permission Johannes H. Birringer
- pose { brad brace }
- Pose { brad brace }
- Pose and changes... Scott deLahunta
- Proficient in Technology? Keitha Manning
- Program for SDHS 1997 Conference Sally Banes
- Project artsvote nik
- Publicizing your Travels... Mark Coniglio
- Pulse.Time stiller and neil
- P™les? Scott deLahunta
- Question on Macs Mary-Lou Michael
- Question on Macs nik
- Question on Macs Todiane4@aol.com
- Question on Macs nik
- Question on Macs nik
- Question on Macs nik
- Question on Macs Mary-Lou Michael
- Questionnaire Format Mary-Lou Michael
- quote nik
- RE: black dancebook Johannes Birringer
- RE: more humor please Johannes Birringer
- RE: "take a look at this web site" nik
- RE: "take a look at this web site" Johannes Birringer
- RE: baroque garden Johannes Birringer
- RE: checking in... Scott deLahunta
- RE: checking in... scott.sutherland@accessone.com
- RE: Crimes... Johannes Birringer
- RE: dance workshop Johannes Birringer
- RE: Dialogue Johannes Birringer
- RE: discussions, from Amanda S. Mark Coniglio
- RE: documenta x Robert Wechsler
- RE: documenta x Johannes Birringer
- RE: food for thought Johannes Birringer
- RE: food for thought Johannes Birringer
- RE: interactivity follow up/transdance Jools Gilson-Ellis
- RE: L.A./Kassel Scott deLahunta
- RE: L.A./Kassel Johannes Birringer
- RE: L.A./Kassel Johannes Birringer
- RE: love parade Todiane4@aol.com
- RE: love parade Johannes Birringer
- RE: New Series on Dance Film and Video Scott deLahunta
- RE: New Series on Dance Film and Video Scott deLahunta
- RE: New Series on Dance Film and Video Johannes Birringer
- RE: New Zealand light Johannes Birringer
- RE: open rehearsals Todiane4@aol.com
- RE: open rehearsals Johannes Birringer
- RE: relations dance/technology workshop Sarah Rubidge
- RE: relations dance/technology workshop Todiane4@aol.com
- RE: relations dance/technology workshop Todiane4@aol.com
- RE: relations dance/technology workshop Johannes Birringer
- RE: response to back online (2)/Mandinka Todiane4@aol.com
- RE: response to back online (2)/Mandinka Johannes Birringer
- RE: some other events in computer/dance land Johannes Birringer
- RE: Tanz-Aktuell Dance/Tech Issue... Johannes Birringer
- RE: what else..."take a look at this web site" Frank Sci
- RE:"Future physical/feasts" Scott deLahunta
- RE:"Future physical/feasts" Johannes Birringer
- References on computer theater Claudio Pinhanez
- references/ National Dance Assoc. Mary-Lou Michael
- relying on the web Scott deLahunta
- Remember "serious art?" Morrison Dance - Morrison, Sarah
- Remove Dikla&Barak Marshall
- remove RaineChyld@aol.com
- Remove Bennett C. Hiibner
- replying to Johannes "Future physical" Amanda Steggell
- request for criticism on undergraduate project anne hundley
- respoding to Dawn Amanda Steggell
- ReWebbed Feats Todiane4@aol.com
- ReWebbed Feats Johannes H. Birringer
- Robert Raushcenberg Show in NYC Mark Coniglio
- Ruminations on Interaction Mark Coniglio
- Ruminations on Interaction II Johannes H. Birringer
- Ruminations on Interaction II Johannes H. Birringer
- Seeking artists for 1999 Dance and Technology Conference djelal@IMAP1.ASU.EDU
- self presentation uzi peled
- serious reviews nik
- serious work nik
- seven Amanda Steggell
- shall we get this going? Tom Erbe
- site changes? Scott deLahunta
- Snowball fight (fwd) John Elliott
- social improvisation Scott deLahunta
- social improvisation Johannes H. Birringer
- Some kiwiana / blacklookbook Scott A. Sutherland
- some other events in computer/dance land Thecla Schiphorst
- some other events/ questions Todiane4@aol.com
- some other events/ questions Todiane4@aol.com
- some other events/ questions Johannes Birringer
- some other events/ questions Scott deLahunta
- Spiritual Masks spookie
- statement on dance and technology Jean-Marc Matos
- STEIM lara van druten
- STEIM (was: On languages...) David Rodger
- STREB (also pretty long) Robert Wechsler
- STREB (long) Mark Coniglio
- Submit your events... Mark Coniglio
- SUBSCRIBE DANCE-TECH Mark Coniglio OSU ListProcessor
- SUBSCRIBE DANCE-TECH Mark Coniglio OSU ListProcessor
- SUBSCRIBE DANCE-TECH Mark Coniglio OSU ListProcessor
- summer 98 Richard Povall
- Tanz-Aktuell Dance/Tech Issue... Mark Coniglio
- Teach in California Hal Glicksman
- telematic space the digital cowboys
- telematicinterprovisation Scott deLahunta
- telematicinterprovisation Mark Coniglio
- telematicinterprovisation Richard Povall
- telematicinterprovisation Johannes H. Birringer
- telematicinterprovisation Mark Coniglio
- telematicinterprovisation Johannes H. Birringer
- telematics the digital cowboys
- telematicsheepskin Johannes H. Birringer
- test message dance-tech@shoko.CALARTS.EDU
- test message listproc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
- test message listproc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
- test message dance-tech@shoko.CALARTS.EDU
- test post Leslie Bishko
- Test Posting Mark Coniglio
- testing Scott deLahunta
- thanx nik
- thanx (nik) nik
- the blackbook - a dance database is online nik
- The History of Everything Mark Coniglio
- the how nik
- the list Scott deLahunta
- Theatre and Computers (forward) Scott deLahunta
- theory nik
- to Lynn Brooks imma Sarries-Zgonc
- Toi toi toi to troika Robert Wechsler
- too busy... Scott deLahunta
- transdance and the occult Susan Kozel
- transdance and the occult Susie Ramsay
- transdance and the occult Johannes H. Birringer
- transdance and the occult Susan Kozel
- transdance II Johannes H. Birringer
- transdance III Johannes H. Birringer
- transdance IV Johannes H. Birringer
- transdance/ethnography V Johannes H. Birringer
- Troika in Europe Mark Coniglio
- Troika Performs Mark Coniglio
- Troika Ranch in Los Angeles Mark Coniglio
- UCO info Francis Wittenberger
- Ultimate Interactive Philip Cootey
- Unsubscribing, etc. Mark Coniglio
- Using technology to bring MODERN DANCE to more people! Sarah Morrison
- validity grids Johannes H. Birringer
- validity grids Dawn Stoppiello
- validity grids Johannes H. Birringer
- Video available Robert Wechsler
- virtual theater lara van druten
- virtual theater lara van druten
- Virtual Theaters lara van druten
- waving Scott deLahunta
- waving Johannes H. Birringer
- Web-cams as performance? { brad brace }
- webbed feats on pointcast nik
- websites included Cynthia A. Roses
- Where did the Dance-Tech list go? John Taylor
- Who is Wayne Siegal Mark Coniglio
- Workshops Mary-Lou Michael
- XMas the digital cowboys
- Zapp project/Scenario Amanda Steggell
- [ANN] experimental art/music event listing resource livingroom@livingroom.org
- [ANN] experimental art/music event listing resource livingroom@livingroom.org
Last message date: Wed 31 Dec 1997 - 14:38:15
Archived on: Sun Mar 15 1998 - 10:34:51
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.